THENOVA aimed at exploring potentials of creative industry for their integration into professional development of companies’ trainers as well as into company training. THENOVA partnership considered theater-based and performance techniques as a powerful tool for creating thought-provoking and inspiring training, which stimulated creativity, participation, and innovation spirit in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

News from THENOVA
Here we inform you about the news from the THENOVA project. You can read all the news about the project on our social media profiles. Feel free to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube!
Three core outputs were produced as follows:
- Theater-based training program for SMEs trainers
- Theater-based training sessions for SMEs staff:
- Theater-based Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Gregor Weber

Signe Zurmühlen

Frank Baumstark
Project Artist
The project works with professional actors, performers, dancers, directors and artists.
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About the project

A Project for Theater-based training for supporting innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Erasmus+ Program
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